Friday, November 27, 2020


From The Bohemian Animal Tarot

Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

In the above image we see a spider fortune teller sitting under the Scales of Justice. Fate has dealt a hand and the cards are on the table. She stares straight ahead, seeing the big picture while her fly visitor, entangled in the web, can see only a single card.

Our individual and collective lives are all woven together from the present, the past, and even the future. It is a tangled web indeed. Each of our lives is an individual web that is also a single strand on the Great Web of Life. We explore that Web with our human experiences and emotions. We experience setbacks, challenges, and triumphs along the way. When we hit a snag we can feel stuck, just like a fly caught in the spider’s web. When we persevere with right intention we find clarity and move forward from there. Justice has shown us the consequences our actions and hopefully we are more balanced and fair minded than before. The Scales of Justice remind us that when we take responsibility for our wrong doings we have the opportunity to make things right and restore some kind of balance.  The sword from which the scales hang reminds us that a higher truth always prevails. 

This Tarot card is associated with law, cosmic law, and Karma. Don’t we just love to think someone’s Karma will “get them” and that, surely, we will be redeemed by our own? The Great Web of Life is so vast and interconnected that we cannot possibly know who is due what. What we do know is that our actions create consequences. Our choices hold us accountable. Every intention, thought, and thing that we do builds our individual and collective Karma. Karma links us in the great chain of events that is constantly seeking divine balance and order. There are so many versions of truth; what seems fair for one is unjust to another. We all desire Justice and can be disappointed by its decisions. We have our prejudices and opinions about what we think is right. When Justice favors us we celebrate. When it goes against us we can experience anger and frustration. Each action contributes to a bigger result. It is all woven into the Great Web which abides by Cosmic Truth. 

Spider creates her web starting with intention released as a single strand of silk shooting into space to attach where she directs it. We create our own webs with intention, thoughts, motives, actions, even our subconscious awareness which weave the pattern and Karma of our life. Spider webs are beautiful, diverse and effective. Spiders catch prey in them, take them apart when they are damaged, and rebuild them all in graceful efficiency. How we navigate our web, and therefore the Great Web, is vital. Spider reminds us when we become entangled and trapped we can shoot out a new intention, take a different path, and make repairs to the existing pattern.

I would like to share a vision I have had on several occasions. It is not mine alone as I know others have seen the same thing.  A vast web reaches out across the universe to infinity - maybe it IS the universe. Each intersection of strands of the web is a junction. Some of them are lit with beautiful light of radiant colors. Some are dark. Each one of us holds a junction. It is our place in the grand order of life. It is up to us to turn on and maintain our light. When the entire web is lit, justice and unity will have been achieved.

May Justice and Truth guide you to weave your web well and may your light shine.

...Kathryn Ravenwood 11.24.2020


Friday, November 6, 2020


The Five of Arrows (Swords)


The Wildwood Tarot, John Matthews and Mark Ryan

Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

If you are not feeling frustrated these days then you are an exception. We are in unprecedented times of conflict as a country, our day-to-day living conditions, opinions between friends and even family members, as well as in our own thought processes. It seems every time we think we have some valid information to guide us it misses the mark and only brings up more questions and conflict. Is the latest news another lie or truth? Who can we trust? What can we believe? How many disappointments can we bear?

In the above image a large ram leaps off a cliff in full line of sight of the hunter whose arrows keep missing the supposed easy target. He is shooting his last arrow and the target is quickly moving out of range. Unless he takes a breath and is sure of his aim this arrow will also fall short. But if he takes that time, the ram will probably be gone, the opportunity missed. The hunter’s frustration is palpable. What made the experience so frustrating? Was he not expecting the ram to appear and so was surprised, caught off guard? Or has he already missed several other opportunities and this is his last chance?  It takes practiced skill to be a bow hunter.  How did he continue to miss the mark? Interestingly, the ram seems oblivious and simply sails through the air.

The Five of Arrows shows us how mental and verbal energy moves from negotiations and seeking win-win situations to frustration. An unstable mindset reflects in our thoughts and what we say. Old patterns no longer hold validity and as they come apart we are challenged to hold on to resolve them into some kind of new format that brings a new sense of truth and order. The dictionary defines frustration as a “deep chronic sense or state of insecurity and dissatisfaction arising from unresolved problems or unfulfilled needs.”  The more frustrated we get the less we are focused. As we lose focus we are vulnerable to mental chaos and confusion and are down the road to making choices and decisions from unrealistic thoughts, ideas, and a lack of factual information. We might shoot off our mouth, spewing our frustration onto those around us.

The Five of Arrows reminds us to take aim on our thoughts and words. Do we want to contribute to the exasperation and aggravation or can we take a breath, focus, and redirect our words and thoughts to constructive results? Matters only get worse when people engage in shouting matches or indulgent name calling and accusations. We might be able to manage our own thoughts and words, but how do we handle the barrage of chaos around us? 

 We continue to await the results of the US Presidential Election results. Even if a winner is declared today the frustration will continue. We can expect challenges will be made in the courts and on the streets. Arrows will fly fast and furiously. While some may miss the mark, some will stick and cause pain and suffering. 

I encourage you all to stop, take a breath, and allow yourself to center amidst the swirling confusion. If you feel frustrated, well, you are not alone! Acknowledge it and remember that things will eventually settle out. The new patterns may not be to our liking but at least we may then know where we stand, can re-aim our focus on the present, and go forward with more clarity. 

Energy creates thoughts. Thoughts creates actions. Actions create events. May you create in harmony and peace.

...Kathryn Ravenwood  11-6-2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020



Image From the Sirian Starseed Tarot 

by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha

Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

There is great alchemy at work on a grand and universal stage. Alchemy and the search for the secret of life is no less than than the process of seeking our own Divinity, our enlightenment. It already exists but we must go through the process of uncovering layers of dross and impurities to realize it. Even as each of us is an alchemical vessel in our individual laboratories of transformation, so the Earth is a Great Vessel in which the Great Work is being blended in a vast cosmic laboratory. We are all part of this process of change that is occurring on both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. Our personal process is both a reflection and a contribution to the bigger process.

Our physical bodies are made of the elements of air, fire, water and earth all blended together in unique forms. Each of the elements contributes to our alchemy as we learn to master how they function in our experiences and the process of learning from those experiences. Air teaches us of our mental attributes, thinking processes, gaining knowledge, our words and how what we say reverberates through our shared vessel of the Earth. Fire initiates us into the creative process of life and shows us how we both build and destroy with our power and how we interact with the powers of others. Water immerses us in feelings, emotions. We learn to trust our intuition and how our unacknowledged emotions can drown out reason and creativity.  The Earth teaches us to be grounded and how we share every part of creation with every being, whether they be human, plant, animal or mineral that is part of the whole. 

We can visualize and create a better whole when we understand that what appears to be functioning in opposition is actually the potential of blending different aspects and elements to create a new and better version of who we have been to now as individuals and as humanity. True resolution of polarities does not mean one side wins and the other loses. As we learn this we can set our intention to see ourselves as Divine beings rather that individuals divided by calamities of ego and mis-understandings. We can then take this understanding with us into the greater world of relationships with others and with our Earth to help restore balance so we can all move forward.

In the Tarot this card is traditionally called Temperance. It calls to mind the tempering process of steel where the carbon and metal is heated and cooled to remove impurities, which also strengthens the metal, so it can be crafted into a sword of beauty and precision. Swords represent the ability to cut through illusion to reveal truth - a perfect alchemical pursuit!

We come back to this Earth lab again and again to learn, understand, and perfect, even as the Earth continues her own alchemy. As the Earth is the Vessel for all of humanity living upon her, then we must be mindful of what we are cooking up in our own laboratories. Any explosions we create are not just our own problems - they affect everyone and the Earth. Our combined trials, failures, and transformations all blend into a new formula that must be played out and tested in this search for the Divine in us all. It behooves us to be mindful of the process and create formulas and processes that are beneficial not just to ourselves but to the whole. 

Where the Earth is in this alchemical process is unknown to us. Certainly we see drastic changes in action. Perhaps at some distant time humans may have mastered their own Great Work and the Earth will be free from mad scientists gone wrong. This could manifest in humanity expressing Divine Light and Love -  or we might still blow up the Earth lab and it will no longer hold us in the experiment. 

Never doubt this alchemical process always involves choice. Each choice we make contributes to the Great Work of who we are becoming. As humans, we stand between heaven and earth and are the conduit for both spirit and matter. How we refine the conduction of these great forces is up to us both individually and as a whole. May we choose with love, wisdom, joy, beauty and may the Great Work be most excellent indeed. 

...Kathryn Ravenwood  10-10- 2020

Monday, September 21, 2020


The Five of Wands

Strife and Conflict

From The Star Tarot, Cathy McClelland

Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

The Five of Wands brings chaos and disruption with fire. Old forms and structures are burned away. Change is inevitable. Push comes to shove.

In the above image a volcanic eruption spews red-hot magma. It looks as though the stars are falling from the heavens. Sheltered in a green cloak, suggesting new life, a woman serenely holds white lilies giving a sense of hope that a purifying energy is enfolding her. The fiery power of life moves up through her chakras while she holds the balance of destruction and renewal in her heart. 

The force of fire is ultimately the Divine creative power of life. Transformation is a constant dynamic in the exterior world we live in as well as in our internal landscape. Ultimately they are connected; we are one with all of nature, one with the process of life as it manifests in our relationships, society, governments, and how we communicate with one another.

We are constantly creating with this fiery power whether it be our daily actions, a work of art, or an empire. But the life force needs to flow. When it becomes trapped in stagnant structures it pushes to find a release. Sometimes this shows up as a breakthrough in our way of living our life - a revelation that we need to liberate ourselves from rigid mind sets or habits into a rebirth of enthusiasm and activity. We start to recognize and use our creative power to express our talents and spend more time in activity that supports creativity in others. We also see that oppressing structures of government, society, even planetary cycles eventually fall to the fires of transformation. We are now witness to violent eruptions of change, upheaval and destruction. It is challenging to make sense of it all. We can feel burned-out, pushed to our limits.

We are all part of the change. Every level of our life is being burned to some degree with the purifying fires. To recognize the process as a purification is difficult. It took awhile for the pressure to build enough for all the disruption to happen and then create what seems like an explosive chain reaction. Fire burns away so new life can emerge. It can result in an epiphany or revelation of our spiritual awareness, but when a forest goes up in flames it is very hard indeed to see beyond the devastation.

As the image above reminds us, the sacred fire of our heart is where we seek refuge and find our center, our balance. This is where we can find shelter from the raging storms, create a haven for ourselves and others. We learn to live more in our heart energy, find courage, compassion, and are more able to reconnect with our creativity to bring something new into our own life and to the world we live in. 

During these challenging times may we remember to call upon the Divine Fire and to trust in renewal. May we find peace and shelter in the love we can give to one another. 

...Kathryn Ravenwood September 21, 2020

Wednesday, September 2, 2020



The Tower of Destruction: 2020

Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

A shining, solitary tower sits high on a mountain peak with a golden crown topping its splendor. Suddenly, perfection is devastated by a bolt of lightening. The crown is split away, the tower burns and two desolate figures fall from the devastation. Disaster has struck. All is lost. Or is it?

The tower warns us against the false security of building structures that separate us from a balanced life on Mother Earth. Each brick is part of the mindset seeking to create a facade, a barrier against the “other” the unknown, the scary monsters under the bed that threaten some imagined sense of safety and protection created by fear (the preceding card in the Tarot is the Devil - Fear). A brick originally laid down as security has multiplied into layers of greed and avarice.  Reliance on leadership has morphed into authoritarianism. If one layer or level is good then surely another and another are better until the builder has locked himself into a lofty tower on a mountain top completely isolated from the world below. He may feel safe but the shelter he so carefully pulled around him has made life stagnant. The tower has isolated him from creative activity and interaction. Security has become a prison, protection has turned to illusion. Each brick was laid with a  tunnel vision of ideas, viewpoints, a controlling and even self-righteous behavior to protect the identify crafted along with the tower. The work became a tribute to an ego that is now fully invested in all the irrationalities of building and maintaining this monstrosity. The associated consciousness of this delusion is restricted and has shifted to everything “out there” rather than what is inside.

Nothing is forever. The Universe demands change to keep the energy flowing, to prevent stagnation, to provide for new growth. When things start to get stuck the Universe will send warnings. Yet, even as tremors and storms threaten, the invested ego of the tower builder ignores the pending doom and puts up more layers of hatred, illusion, barriers against change. Finally the stuck energy has to go somewhere and it bursts out in a fiery explosion. The fall of the tower is traumatic. it is not possible to hold it up with the actions of the past. 

In the image of the card we see small flames falling from the sky. These are the Hebrew letter Yod. Yod creates the world to come. Each Yod is a transformational force propelling us to new levels of experience. The falling figures’ hands are stretched out as if to reach for the ground below, directing this new experience into the currently unknown outcome of the fall. The golden crown blows off the top inviting a higher consciousness to replace the restricted and ego based focus of separateness, false science and reasoning, fake news, and irrational fantasies of will and power.

When the fire has burned the old forms and the devastation begins to be fully realized, Yods’ promise of new experience is available. How it will be used depends on the new consciousness, awareness and lessons learned. 

Are we out of warnings or do we still have time to come down from the Tower and live in harmony with one another and our Earth? Can we use communication from the the heart to bridge the gaps of separation and division? Can we raise our own consciousness to a higher level to embrace love and kindness without the ego being offended? Can we lay aside the tools of pending destruction and plant gardens?


There is always hope if we but call it to us. With the tower out of the way, we may  be able to see our path more clearly. 

....Kathryn Ravenwood  9.2.20

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

 The Star

Compassionate Action

From Science Tarot

 The Star is that wonderful card of hope in the Tarot. It suggests inspiration and the outpouring of Divine Guidance to lead us through even the darkest night. When we gaze at the stars we feel a connection to the solar system, to the universe, to the whole. The Star reminds us to tune in to a higher vision  to something grander than our own existence. It is a reminder that even after disasters and upheavals may plague us there is a calm after the storm when chaos is replaced by cathartic cleansing and peace.

All of these qualities are always here with us on our earthly walk. They are within each of us as we are all expressions of divinity in the physical realm. Our every thought and action is a channeling and manifesting of the creative power that made the entire universe whether we are consciously aware or on autopilot. When we turn our attention to the wisdom of being in alignment with those qualities that support ourselves and each other we can clear out negative and destructive tendencies within us that broadcast out to the world. and start to shine the light of hope, wisdom, and love.

The Star reminds us that we are called to be in harmony with both the Above and Below, that the natural laws of the universe are not minor suggestions that we can take or leave at our whim. We are living in a constantly creative state. How we interact has impact every moment. We each are responsible for our own thoughts, actions, and the resulting  consequences.  We can easily see that humanity has not been practicing good stewardship of our planet. Destruction of habitats, mass extinctions, and overpopulation is devastating. It seems our Mother Earth is lately issuing more stern warnings than ever before. We can be overwhelmed with all that is happening right now- pandemics, fires, storms that get more severe each season, drought and more. Basic human sense seems to be thrown to the winds that feed the flames and muffle out the voice of wisdom and truth. 

If ever we have been challenged to follow the Star’s message of Compassionate Action it is now. We are called to remember that there is no difference between Spirit and Matter and embrace and understand that each of us is a living expression of the sacred. This can help us define how we move and express ourselves through our day. No matter how overwhelming it gets, non matter how out of control we feel, we always have a choice as to how we respond. We can never know the full impact of our interactions with others. One act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life the results of which may never be connected to that action or even remembered. Each time we make a conscious action of prayer, blessings, or make a physical adjustment to how we consume and relate to the planet affect us inwardly as we as the outward action. We are all connected. There is no way we are independent of every other living presence and that includes humans, trees, water and animals. 

May we dig in deep and go beyond the current mass confusion and misinformation swirling around us. May we connect with that place of compassion for ourselves, each other and for all beings. May we take the action that promotes hope, peace, and healing.  

Shine your light.

...Kathryn Ravenwood  8/25/20

Sunday, August 9, 2020

 The Hierophant

from the Housewives Tarot

Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood 


The Hierophant is card #5 in the tarot. It is the number of man, struggle, strife, and conflict, the number of the spiritual self seeking expression in its human form. As humans we seek to understand the practicalities, mysteries, the secrets of the universe, and, sometimes, just to understand what the heck is going on!

Traditionally the Hierophant is a figure of religious import such as a pope or a great teacher and is associated with orthodoxy and is traditionally the intermediary between us and god/goddess. The priests/priestesses of the past officiated as oracles, diviners, ritualists. They performed the ordained and guarded the secrets and mysteries. Teachings and traditions were passed on to initiates in mystery schools to those deemed worthy of understanding. The general public was told to be obedient to these authority figures to assure salvation and a better life to come. If things did not work out well, then there must have been a mistake or a sin involved.  Now go repent. Shame, guilt, and control were the rulers rapped on our collective knuckles.

Over the centuries we have expanded our ability to gain information and gradually became better educated. With education came questions, seeking answers, and for as many viewpoints that emerged there was an expert, a guru. The role of the Hierophant has not changed much but its way of communicating and teaching certainly has.

In the above image we see a 1950’s radio. In addition to news reports, the public began to have a huge exposure to recreational information.  Advertisements, weekly or daily programs introduced characters and stories that became cultural lore. We listened endlessly to songs of pain, suffering, love gone wrong. Add movies and television and the average person was totally inundated with the Hierophant in all its guises relating every possible piece of information. 

Today we have the internet and instant communication across the world. It is impossible to know what is true or false. Even images are altered to redefine someone’s desire of how a scene is presented. Spiritual and religious opinions are offered up as gospel with a new prophet or guru riding the highs of exposure only to drop into oblivion or disgrace. The Hierophant has become a hungry, insatiable machine churning out opinions, doctrine, dogma, fear, false hope, lies, truth, and the entire gamut of human opinion. We can learn how to fix our clogged sink drain from YouTube,  access a course and become fluent in a foreign language, or fall into the vast wormholes of conspiracy theories. All in the comfort of our own living rooms.

Sometimes we need to take a time out, take a break from the onslaught of information. As we explore information we see the exposed dualities and can take a breath and process, do our homework. The true nature of the Hierophant is to open our eyes so we can learn to view the universe for ourselves. We need education, training, and exposure to many ideas and viewpoints but with all that information is the ever present possibility of corruption through power, manipulation to gain control, all dosed in the vanity and ego of self importance. 

Ultimately, it is up to us to navigate the sea of information and find our own way. The Hierophant is a teacher but what I decide to follow is up to me.  The Hierophant reveals but I choose through my own intuition, my own connection to divinity, my own ability to discern. I may change my mind and point of view but that is part of learning and growth. We build on experience. We test and accept or reject. We create our own ethos, our own platforms, all based on collective information be it of family, church, or the school system.

As we become increasingly open to receive and learn we are wise to remember to keep our discernment and filters working. Just because you resonate with some information does not mean it is true. It is good to monitor how this information effects you - does it put you into fear and anger or does it bring a sense of calm and peace?

Our time of the Earth is an opportunity to seek union with the divine in however that is possible for us. To find the truth often lies in neutrality rather than plunging from one polarity of opinion to another. The true guru is the one that teaches us to go within, to be still, ask, and then wait and listen for our own guidance to come through.  

Sometimes we just need to turn off and tune in.  I share what came to me once in prayer, 

“In the silence, all are present.

In the silence, all are at peace.

In the silence, all is forgiven.

In the silence, all is love.”

May your studies bring you illumination and may you have the generous heart to share that light with the world.

...Kathryn Ravenwood   8-9-20