Compassionate Action
From Science Tarot
The Star is that wonderful card of hope in the Tarot. It suggests inspiration and the outpouring of Divine Guidance to lead us through even the darkest night. When we gaze at the stars we feel a connection to the solar system, to the universe, to the whole. The Star reminds us to tune in to a higher vision to something grander than our own existence. It is a reminder that even after disasters and upheavals may plague us there is a calm after the storm when chaos is replaced by cathartic cleansing and peace.
All of these qualities are always here with us on our earthly walk. They are within each of us as we are all expressions of divinity in the physical realm. Our every thought and action is a channeling and manifesting of the creative power that made the entire universe whether we are consciously aware or on autopilot. When we turn our attention to the wisdom of being in alignment with those qualities that support ourselves and each other we can clear out negative and destructive tendencies within us that broadcast out to the world. and start to shine the light of hope, wisdom, and love.
The Star reminds us that we are called to be in harmony with both the Above and Below, that the natural laws of the universe are not minor suggestions that we can take or leave at our whim. We are living in a constantly creative state. How we interact has impact every moment. We each are responsible for our own thoughts, actions, and the resulting consequences. We can easily see that humanity has not been practicing good stewardship of our planet. Destruction of habitats, mass extinctions, and overpopulation is devastating. It seems our Mother Earth is lately issuing more stern warnings than ever before. We can be overwhelmed with all that is happening right now- pandemics, fires, storms that get more severe each season, drought and more. Basic human sense seems to be thrown to the winds that feed the flames and muffle out the voice of wisdom and truth.
If ever we have been challenged to follow the Star’s message of Compassionate Action it is now. We are called to remember that there is no difference between Spirit and Matter and embrace and understand that each of us is a living expression of the sacred. This can help us define how we move and express ourselves through our day. No matter how overwhelming it gets, non matter how out of control we feel, we always have a choice as to how we respond. We can never know the full impact of our interactions with others. One act of kindness can make a huge difference in someone’s life the results of which may never be connected to that action or even remembered. Each time we make a conscious action of prayer, blessings, or make a physical adjustment to how we consume and relate to the planet affect us inwardly as we as the outward action. We are all connected. There is no way we are independent of every other living presence and that includes humans, trees, water and animals.
May we dig in deep and go beyond the current mass confusion and misinformation swirling around us. May we connect with that place of compassion for ourselves, each other and for all beings. May we take the action that promotes hope, peace, and healing.
Shine your light.
...Kathryn Ravenwood 8/25/20
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