Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Star - Hope
Llewellyn Tarot
Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood

The Tarot is an ancient source of wisdom that provides guidance for us in every phase of life. We are currently experiencing a Tower of Destruction event with the Corona virus putting us into a world-wide pandemic. People are sick and dying. The financial repercussion is enormous and will take years to fully understand and recover from. Our very way of life has changed and may never be the same. We are all feeling the enormous effects of this Tower event and must figure out what we will do and how we will cope. Much will be said about it astrologically, socially, financially, and medically.  Governments, communities, families will all have to take action. The old structures have either fallen or taken a big hit. Many people are fearful and in panic mode. Most of us are stunned.

The Star card reminds us that no matter how bad it gets, there is always hope. This card is the Tarot’s promise of guidance and direction. It is sometimes hard to see our way through a Tower event. We can feel hopeless watching our world fall into ruins. And yet, when everything settles down, there is the Star shining in the darkness, the hope of better things to come. 

The Tower is the removal of obstacles and barriers and the Star is the reward that follows. This is a time of reflection and soul searching, a time to refill what has been depleted and to honor the space where restoration can happen. The Tower has fallen and taken us with it but we come to understand that we were not destroyed; the destruction was of that which was blocking us from seeing a higher vision, from the Guidance that is always there to help us to know ourselves as both physical and spiritual beings, to feel the alignment with our mortal and divine natures. 

The Star is the new vision that leads us to transformation, to use conscious awareness and intention to reform our lives. The Tarot reminds us we have the tools we need - the  Swords of Clear Thinking, the Wands of Right Action, the Cups of Intuitive Emotions, and the Pentacles of our Manifestations in the physical world. While we cannot control the actions of government, the supply chain, or a panicked population, we can make choices and take our own actions. 

We can re-evaluate the way we have been living and how we have been consuming. We can be more in touch with our local communities and find ways to create new connections and mutual support. We will have to make changes in ways we don’t even see yet. But we can do this. We have the promise of the Star that we will get through it with new clarity and enlightened vision.

In the image above we see a woman looking up to the night sky at the North Star - the star used for centuries to align our position, to be a constant light for us. The ancient stones behind her remind us that ages of human experience have passed on the Earth - civilizations thrived and then transformed into something else. In this moment the woman is experiencing grace and peace by drawing strength from the natural world and from Spirit, a reminder that the Star shines light through the darkness and is always present - even when we cannot see it. 

I encourage you to connect with your own hope, your own visions of living in the Light. While we are hunkered down in our homes, away from events and crowds, we can make this an opportunity to call for inspiration, enlightenment, and listen to Spirit for direction. Ask for help if you need it; offer help where you can. Navigate by the Star to align with your Higher Self.

Shine On.

.....Kathryn Ravenwood     


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