Featured deck: DruidCraft Tarot
and Tattoo on Ravenwood's Arm
Original Writing by Kathryn Ravenwood
I got a
new tattoo. Normally I would not post this on my newsletter, but it is
important to me. It is in honor of the Lady of the Lake. She has been
coming to me lately, and calling me to truth - the truth of who I am. She
has been calling me to wield Her Sword of Truth. We know the Lady as she
who delivered Excalibur to Arthur. To me, this is the rise of the Divine
Feminine bringing truth to the world, to be wielded by the Divine Masculine
that Arthur represents. Unfortunately, he could not maintain the balance
of this divine union and ended up returning the Sword back to the Lady. I
think she is rising again to hand off this great Sword to all of us who will
take it on and use it to defend Truth - our personal Truth - the Divine
Truth. We cannot know the full meaning of Truth but, if we take up the Lady's
Sword, she will guide us on the Journey.
In my
tattoo, the red cross on the sword's hilt is in honor of the High Priestess
card in the Tarot - in the Ryder deck she has this cross on her gown. The High
Priestess is also about Truth - she sits between the pillars of the great Tree
of Life in the place of neutrality, not being swayed by duality of the black
and while pillars. (More on this another time.)
Below I
have reposted an article on the Ace of Swords from 2014. I hope if the
Sword or the Lady is calling to you that this will bring you
support. Blessings on the journey...
The Ace of Swords
The lake
is the element of water. Water is the primeval, unmanifested, and
formless element from which creation began. It is the Nun of ancient Egypt, the
waters of chaos, which came before the land and from which arose the god Amun
when he created himself. It is the subconscious, the unseen and unknown potential
of all that is possible.
In Tarot
the suit of Swords represents the mind, thought, ideas. The Ace is that place
where we receive a conscious thought from the unconscious realm; when an idea
rises from the depths and has its first chance to become a reality. From the
chaos and unseen depths of our unconscious we give birth to an idea, an
inspiration, a thought. It rises up and grabs us. Many times if we don't write
it down or take action we can forget that brilliant moment; the sword sinks
back into the lake. But if we grab on to the sword, as Arthur did with
Excalibur, we can wield it to create or destroy.
have a hilt, two sides to the blade, and a point. The blade may be sharp or
dull. When we learn to master the sword we learn to use it precisely and
carefully. We can defend with it, kill or maim with it, use it to threaten or
even to plunge it into the dirt and "draw a line in the sand" of
marking a boundary. It is the same with our words and thoughts. There are two
sides to a conversation. We try to make our point when we have a
discussion. We deliberate ideas to sort out confusion, coming to that,
hopefully brilliant, conclusion.
All the
Aces of Tarot indicate a new beginning of some kind. The Ace of Swords is that
great idea that leads to writing a book, making a movie, starting a new course
of study, or what just precedes inserting foot into mouth! We can take
that Sword and heft it, measuring its weight and setting an intention for a
good outcome or we can drop it and lose the opportunity.
is the arm that controls the Sword.
The Ace
of Swords is not in its sheath. It is out, exposed, vulnerable to attack. It
can be seen as a show of strength, a challenge, or an act of defense. It is
grasped in the hand, at the ready. How do you wield your Sword? Do you parry
about with words? Do you miss the point; enjoy the double entrendre, like to
make a show of your swordplay? Do you use your intention and words to
control others? Are you constantly jabbing your sword into people causing harm?
Or are you a Sword Master, honing your mind into precise and well executed
thoughts and articulate skill, speaking and defending the truth?
The next
time that Ace of Swords rises up from the lake of your subconscious, grasp onto
it, hold it, wield it. Use it wisely to start the sequence of thoughts,
intentions, and actions to manifest your Camelot.
Ravenwood: June 25, 2018